AVET Technology R&D Tax Credits Success Story

Company Sector: AI, Digital & Manufacturing

Funding Secured: ~£80k

Project Description

AVET Technology is a specialist manufacturer of modern, capable, and purpose-built digital evidential recorders for police, security organisations, and regulatory bodies. The use of “deepfake” audio and video is growing, including in a recent UK court case. These doctored recordings, presented as evidence and proof of an event, can only support the need to provide evidential-standard digital recordings, with proof of provenance being a key feature. AVET’s R&D project included the development of brand-new digital evidential recorder systems which supersede the existing state-of-the-art. A significant amount of resources were allocated to the design, development, and testing phases to ensure the interview recorders met the high technological requirements of the industry.

Client Quote

“We have been delighted with the support received from Granted Consultancy over the last 4 years. The assembly of a successful claim is made so much easier thanks to Granted’s team of experts, whose well-honed processes enable us to get on with our core business priorities. More than that, as our relationship developed, Granted became familiar with our R&D concepts. This enabled them to construct a focused claim. They work closely and directly with our accountant which speeds up the submission and payment cycle. All in all, Granted sits at the core of a great team effort. I highly recommend them.” – Andrew Stewart, AVET Technology. 

Are you interested in receiving R&D tax credit support to achieve your innovation funding goals? Explore our R&D Tax Credits page to find out more and talk to us about your innovation project.