Sigma Technical Innovate UK Open Success Story

Funding Competition: Innovate UK Open competition

Company Sector: Tech

Funding Secured: ~£200k

Project Description

Sigma is an innovation-led mechanical engineering company seeking to revolutionise the fitness and rehabilitation equipment markets by delivering world-first 3D robotic solutions to a number of global clients. Sigma were looking to rapidly develop the company through a revolutionary new product, centred around delivering a fitness and rehabilitation solution that redefines current capabilities. By securing funding for this project the impact would see dramatic improvements in rehabilitation approaches through bespoke, 360-degree exercise machines and optimisation of data gathering for fitness users.

Sigma entered the Innovate UK open competition and were successful in securing ~£200k, allowing them to start achieving their goals of revolutionising the fitness and rehabilitation equipment market. The funding will pay for a dedicated engineering and software team, materials and sub-contractors that will enable the development of a world-first prototype.

Client Quote

“Granted worked really quickly to produce a great application for a technically complex project. Being awarded the funds has helped us move forward much quicker than anticipated – many thanks to Tom, Will and the rest of the team” – Mike Badley, Sigma Technical. 

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