21st Feb 2023 -

How do I access grant funding to accelerate my innovation?

How do I access grant funding to accelerate my innovation?



Start Date

21st Feb 2023

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It’s a tough climate for raising equity currently, which tends to make grants more attractive – but many people aren’t clear on how to build non-dilutive funding into their R&D strategy to accelerate growth.

In this session, run by Head of Partnerships at Granted Consultancy, Sara Palmer, you’ll learn:

  • What is non-dilutive funding
  • Why apply for grant funding
  • Where you can find relevant funds
  • How to apply for grant funding and accelerate your growth through innovation

Come ready to listen, learn and get involved in some group discussions.

We’ll be running this webinar every quarter so if you can’t make this session, follow us on LinkedIn to see regular announcements of upcoming webinars.