871 Days Left

Automotive Transformation Fund Feasibility Studies: Round 3

Fund Name

Automotive Transformation Fund Feasibility Studies

Project Length

6 months

Project Value




The Automotive Transformation Fund will support the industrialisation at scale of a high value electrified automotive supply chain in the UK. This competition is to support companies in the development of an investment business case to secure large scale automotive supply chain manufacturing in the UK.

Check Your Eligibility

Fund Details

APC is seeking proposals from single organisations or consortiums for business case feasibility studies up to the value of £1 million. These feasibility studies must produce a decision-ready business case, in preparation for projects which will develop large scale manufacturing facilities in the UK. The resulting projects must support the UK automotive industry in:

  • increasing business confidence in making large scale manufacturing investments
  • building electrified vehicle supply chains

 These business case feasibility studies must:

  • result in a detailed business case enabling a decision either to invest in the project, and therefore the UK, or showing clearly the additional steps or measures to do so
  • prioritise the automotive sector, but this does not exclude spill over in other sectors
  • deliver a closeout report and attend a meeting with APC, to review the business case, its outcomes and next steps, prior to closure and payment of the final claim

Your project must prioritise scale up and can focus on but not be limited to:

  • batteries, including cells (gigafactories)
  • electric motors and drives
  • power electronics
  • fuel cells and on-vehicle hydrogen storage
  • upstream supply chain for: batteries including cells, electric motors and drives, power electronics or fuel cells and on-vehicle hydrogen storage


To lead a project or work alone your organisation must:

  • be a UK registered business of any size
  • be a grant recipient
  • carry out its project work in the UK
  • intend to exploit the results from or in the UK

Non-UK registered companies and research organisations are eligible to apply for funding as a lead or part of a project team if they:

  • set up an active UK registered business before they start their project
  • carry out all funded work in the UK
  • meet all other criteria stated above

APC will NOT fund projects which are:

  • not aligned with the aims of the Automotive Transformation Fund
  • purely R&D
  • technical feasibility studies, except where validating UK compatibility and incidental to the economic viability study
  • not of sustained benefit to the automotive sector primarily
  • centred on technologies or processes which are not mature and ready to scale at pace
  • focussed primarily on fossil-fuelled internal combustion technology
  • focussed primarily on the use of digital or data technologies
  • centred on low carbon fuels for combustion engines
  • centred around off-vehicle charging infrastructure
  • dependent on export performance
  • dependent on domestic inputs usage

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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