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DASA Intelligent Ship – Phase 3: Optimising for the human in a Human Autonomy Team (HAT)

Fund Name

Intelligent Ship - Phase 3: Optimising for the human in a Human Autonomy Team (HAT)

Project Length

Up to 16 months

Project Value

Up to £1.7m



The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA), in partnership with the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl), is pleased to launch Intelligent Ship: Phase 3.

This phase aims to build upon the delivered capabilities from the first two phases of the competition and seeks proposals that will design, optimise and demonstrate an effective Human-Autonomy Team (HAT) based upon collaborative Intelligent Agents and humans.


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Fund details

This DASA Themed Competition seeks proposals that will design, optimise and demonstrate an effective HAT based upon collaborative Intelligent Agents and humans. The primary aim will be to investigate and develop understanding through the design and evaluation of a collaborative AI-based HAT system design for C2.

The objective will be to develop requirements and design approaches for future C2 systems.

The competition seeks to fund projects which will address both of the following:

  • Explore approaches to, and the benefits and challenges of, a more human-centred approach to the design of the collaborative AI-based HAT.
  • Explore approaches to and the benefits and challenges of different approaches to system-level arbitration in a Collaborative AI-based HAT.

The project is not seeking proposals that:

  • Are proposed by a single supplier with no collaborators/supporting organisations;
  • Have a primary focus on the development of individual component AI agents other than where required to support the broader aims of the competition;
  • Are focused wholly on capability development or the development of nearer terms tools and approaches – the aim is to explore solutions for the next generation,
  • and generation after next, platforms and capabilities to inform their requirements and capability targets;
  • Are focused purely on maturing an aspect of AW warfare C2, rather than using selected capability as an aide to understanding and evaluation of collaborative
  • AI-based HAT;
  • provide a HAT system design that covers a wide and unfocused range of naval capabilities
  • does not include sufficient intelligent agents to be considered a collaborative AI system, or that avoids the need for arbitration;
  • constitute consultancy, paper-based studies or literature reviews;
  • offer no real long-term prospect of integration into defence and security capabilities.


Projects must aim to start at the beginning of September 2023 and end no later than end of December 2024 (i.e. a maximum of 16 months later).

Up to £1.7 million in funding is available for this Themed Competition. As this is a Phase 3 competition, DASA will aim to fund a single proposal up to the full funding amount.

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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