25 Days Left

DASA Themed Competition

Fund Name

DASA Themed Competition

Project Value

£50k - £500k



The focus is on providing self-sustainment of the deployed expeditionary force and enhanced capability across the maritime, land and air domains.

DASA is seeking solutions that are scalable from a small-scale littoral strike 12-person team up to and including a large-scale, enduring force of circa 2750 personnel sited in distributed nodes or locations within the deployed space.

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Fund details

This competition is open to any self-sufficiency and operational energy technologies that can provide a step change in deployed endurance in at least one of the challenge areas. It is also open to solutions that provide advantages across multiple challenge areas.

DASA want technologies that will reduce defence’s heavy reliance on the support chain, give a winning edge over adversaries, meet the increasing requirement for electricity, deal with thermal energy and improve battery technology.

DASA doesn’t want currently available technologies (unless they are not yet used in a defence context and are being applied in a novel way), or proposals that do not offer an increase of at least one technology readiness level (TRL).

This competition has seven challenge areas. Please select one challenge for your proposal:

Challenge 1:

Food – feeding the winning edge

Challenge 2:

Water – harvest and recycle water with increasing efficiency

Challenge 3:

Materiel – reducing the supply chain burden

Challenge 4:

Waste – trash into treasure

Challenge 5:

Platform Power & Energy – enduring energy

Challenge 6:

Platform Thermal Management – keeping cool for persistent power

Challenge 7:

Deployed Power & Energy – energy fuels persistence

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