135 Days Left

Eureka Eurostars

Fund Name

Eureka collaborative R&D: Eurostars 3 Call 6

Project Length

36 months or less

Project Value

Up to €360k



Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, is investing up to £2.5 million to fund collaborative research and development (CR&D) projects focused on industrial research.

The aim of this competition is for international collaboration on R&D projects that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation.

This competition is open in theme and we will fund projects from all sectors, which meet eligibility criteria.

Check Your Eligibility

Fund details

Your project must have high market potential and develop one or more of the following:

  • innovative products
  • technology-based applications
  • technology-based services

Your collaborative research and development (CR&D) proposal must demonstrate:

  • a clear game-changing or disruptive innovative idea leading to new products, processes or services
  • a strong and deliverable business plan that addresses, and documents market potential and needs
  • sound, practical financial plans and timelines
  • good value for money, which will always be a consideration in Innovate UK funding decisions
  • a clear, evidence-based plan to deliver significant economic impact, return on investment (ROI) and growth through commercialisation, as soon as possible after project completion
  • clear, considerable potential to significantly benefit the UK economy and/or national productivity
  • the benefit of participants from the countries working together and how this adds value
  • a clear definition of where intellectual property (IP) can be used and shared between the participants and countries
  • a clear route to market or have gone to clinical trials within 2 years of project completion


To apply, you must fulfil the seven eligibility criteria:

  • your consortium must be led by an innovative SME from a Eurostars country
  • your consortium must include organisations from at least two Eurostars countries
  • the project organisations concerned must be independent from each other with a minimum of one organisation from an EU or Horizon-associated country
  • the budget of the SMEs from a Eurostars country, excluding subcontracting, is 50% or more of the total project cost
  • no single participant or country is responsible for more than 70% of the project budget
  • the project duration is 36 months or less
  • the project has an exclusively civilian purpose

UK registered SMEs can apply for a total grant of up to €360,000 for each eligible UK project partner or 60% of total eligible project costs, whichever is the least.

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