471 Days Left

Eureka Eurostars: joint transnational call for proposals

Fund Name

Eureka Eurostars: joint transnational call for proposals

Project Length

Up to 36 months

Project Value




Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organisations and other types of organisations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. By participating, organisations can access public funding for international collaborative R&D projects in all fields.

Check Your Eligibility

Fund Details

This competition is open in theme and will fund projects from all sectors, which meet eligibility criteria. To have a successful Eurostars application you must:

  • Define your project idea
  • Collaborate internationally, sharing expertise
  • Develop products, processes or services that can be easily commercialised

The amount of funding your organisation receives when you participate in a project is managed by your national funding body. Funding rules vary from country to country and your national funding body decides:

  • Which organisations can receive funding
  • Which project activities can be funded
  • Funding rates


To apply, you must fulfil seven eligibility criteria:

  • The project consortium is led by an innovative SME* from a Eurostars country**.
  • The project consortium is composed of at least two entities that are
    independent of one another.
  • The project consortium is composed of entities from at least two Eurostars countries
    with at least one organisation coming from an EU or Horizon Europe Associated
  • The budget of the SMEs from the participating countries (excluding any subcontracting) is 50% or more of the total project cost.
  • No single participant or country is responsible for more than 70% of the budget of
    the project.
  • The project duration is 36 months or less***.
  • The project has an exclusive focus on civil applications.

*We define an innovative SME as any SMEs with the ambition to collaborate on R&D and innovation with international partners to develop new products, processes and services for European and global markets. Innovative SMEs do not need to have a proven track record of R&D activities.

**Eurostars countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, and the United Kingdom.

***If justified, you may be permitted an extension after your project has started. This request will undergo an evaluation to determine whether the extension of the project is duly justified by the participants. It must be approved by the Eureka Secretariat and the relevant national funding bodies.

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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