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Green Innovation Fund EoI

Fund Name

Green Innovation Fund

Project Length

All funds must be spent before March 2023

Project Value

£25k - £200k



Devon County Council’s Economy Enterprise and Skills service is launching an Expression of Interest round for a new fund looking to support clean growth projects that boost Devon’s economy and drive green innovation. The Green Innovation Fund will assist in the transition to low carbon by investing in viable and replicable ideas for clean growth that establish Devon as a leader in environmental technologies.

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Fund Details

The Green Innovation Fund was created to help Devon Build Back Better as it recovers from the effects of Covid 19; helping to boost clean, green growth and creative solutions to environmental problems, whilst establishing Devon as a leader in the low carbon sector. Innovation is required to create new ways of working, products, or concepts to achieve economic growth and skills gains whilst meeting Carbon Net-Zero. This opportunity will identify areas of potential Green Innovation in Devon and use a challenge fund to magnify and accelerate green innovation that is viable, practical, and replicable in Devon.

The programme aims to stimulate Devon’s economic recovery whilst aligning with the vision of the (Interim) Carbon Plan. Projects that can become self-sustaining and are replicable will also be looked upon favourably. The following list contains examples of suitable projects, but it is not exhaustive:

  • Replicable Circular Economy projects with no waste
  • Agri-tech (incl. robotics, regenerative agriculture, aquaculture, hydroponics, vertical growing)
  • Marine and Maritime Innovations
  • Retail – green, eco retail – i.e., apps linking consumers to local producers / green supply and delivery chains/ net-zero products etc.
  • Innovative Green Tourism – hospitality apps, digital solutions
  • Smart technologies and Grid innovations; how and when we use electricity and storage of electricity
  • Innovative green energy solutions including hydrogen
  • Community solutions to lowering carbon emissions and localising supply chains
  • Innovative building retrofit technologies
  • Advances in electric vehicle technology, placement of charging points, and developments in electric aviation


Funding is only available for projects in Devon (excluding Plymouth and Torbay), and all applications must align with the required outcomes and timeline of the Green Innovation Fund. The funder will accept applications from limited companies, public sector organisations, registered charities, social enterprises, and sole traders with a registered business. The funder cannot support projects which intend to use the funds to make grants to other organisations. There are no thresholds regarding business or organisation size or longevity, but applicants with proven ability to deliver on similar projects will be looked on favourably, and all applicants will be subject to a Due Diligence check. This will include accounts and cash flow forecasts. Sole traders are eligible to apply as long as they are associated with a registered business.

All applicants for the Green Innovation Fund must:

  • be able to demonstrate that the projects are only viable with the help of additional funding, and that this funding cannot be acquired elsewhere
  • be able to demonstrate that their idea and business plan are viable, and that their product or service is replicable
  • demonstrate measurable economic outcomes; these could be new businesses, jobs, apprenticeships/training courses, or increased turnover
  • show that the product or service provided has a measurable impact on Devon’s carbon emissions

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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