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Healthy Ageing Challenge- Designed for Ageing

Fund Name

Healthy Ageing Challenge- Designed for Ageing

Project Length

6 - 24 months

Project Value




The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Healthy Ageing Challenge, will work with Innovate UK, to invest up to £14.4million in innovation projects. This challenge aims to deliver a clear game-changing service-led innovation to support positive, active, independent, and dignified healthy ageing.

The aims of this competition are to:

  • Address the under-provision of products and services which support people as they age to remain active, independent and socially connected
  • Support business-led, near-to-market innovations that have the potential to scale
  • Enforce good people-centred design principles
  • Encourage applications from businesses across the UK, by working with devolved government administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

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Fund Details

Your project must focus on one or more of the following service-led innovations that:

  • Enables self-care and new models of care for independent living
  • Encourages sustaining physical activity for people aged 50 and over, including for instance, active travel
  • Improves mental health
  • Addresses the ‘common complaints’ of ageing, for example, incontinence, pain, mobility, hearing and eyesight

To enforce the aim of good people-centred design principles, your project will be subject to a ‘design stage-gate review’ at the six-month point. Your project must pass the ‘design stage-gate review’ to continue to receive funding.

Your project must:

  • Deliver a clear game-changing service-led innovation, that has a significant impact on ageing positively in the UK
  • Help people as they age, allowing them to remain active, productive, independent and socially connected for as long as possible
  • Narrow the gap between the experience of the richest and poorest
  • Conduct industrial research to develop new and applied knowledge leading to a solution at high technology and market readiness


To lead a project or work alone your organisation must be a UK registered business of any size. Academic institutions cannot lead or work alone.

To collaborate with the lead, your organisation must be one of the following UK registered:

  • Business of any size
  • Academic institution
  • Charity
  • Not-for-profit
  • Public sector organisation
  • Research and technology organisation (RTO)

The funder will not fund projects that are:

  • Clinical trials or academic research projects
  • Not business-led
  • Early-stage innovations, for example: proof of concept or pre-prototype
  • Products that do not have a service wrapper or service application
  • Not clearly targeted to help ageing populations
  • Dependent on export performance, for example, giving a subsidy to a baker on the condition that it exports a certain quantity of bread to another country
  • Dependent on domestic inputs usage, for example, giving a subsidy to a baker on the condition that it uses 50% UK flour in their product

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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