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Heat Pump Ready Programme Stream 1

Fund Name

Heat Pump Read Programme Stream 1 (optimised solutions)

Project Length

Up to 6 months

Project Value

Up to £200k



The Heat Pump Ready Programme aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative clean energy technologies and processes through the 2020s and 2030s. As a key solution for decarbonising homes, heat pumps will be critical for meeting the UK’s legally binding commitment to achieve net-zero by 2050.

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Fund Details

The Heat Pump Ready Programme is split into 3 separate delivery streams:

Stream 1: solutions for high-density heat pump deployment. Up to £30 million of Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) funding from spring 2022 (this stream).
Stream 2: developing tools and technology. Up to £25 million of grant funding for projects to overcome barriers to heat pump deployment, beginning spring 2022.
Stream 3: trial support and learning. Up to £5 million contract from spring 2022.

Stream 1 aims to support the design and trial of innovative, optimised solutions which deliver more cost-effective and high-density domestic heat pump roll-out.

This competition focuses on:

  • Developing and trialling solutions that take a ‘joined up’ approach to heat pump deployment, working
    across the heat pump landscape.
  • Developing an enhanced ‘consumer journey’ as part of the solution – i.e. using the cluster projects to
    develop effective consumer engagement for all stages of rollout.

Example trail feasibility activity includes:

  • Develop an innovative approach for the roll-out of a high density of heat pump installations within the chosen location.
  • Identify routes and methodologies to develop and optimise their deployment solution.
  • Develop a consumer engagement plan.
  • Explore options for the inclusion of Stream 2 tools and technologies.
  • Work with energy network operators to consider network connection readiness and identify any network innovation needs required as part of their methodology.


  • Innovative methodologies must not have been tested in the market or commercialised.
  • Projects must fall within one of the two application categories: Urban or Rural.
  • High-density deployment is required, projects must deploy heat pumps to at least 25% of the domestic buildings on at least one low-voltage network (connected to the same secondary sub-station) within their chosen deployment trial locality.

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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