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Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA): Phase 3 and 4

Fund Name

Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA): Phase 3 and 4

Project Value




The BEIS IEEA is a funding programme designed to support partnerships between developers of energy/resource efficient technologies and industrial companies willing to demonstrate the technologies on-site.

Check Your Eligibility


Projects comprise an industrial partner that will implement the technology at their site, and (usually) a technology developer that has developed the new technology. Other project partners in a consortium can include research organisations, universities, specialist technology suppliers and consultants.

Project eligibility

  • Demonstration of a novel technology, or a commercial technology in a novel way
  • Project will lead to a reduction of carbon emissions through reduced energy use and/or resource efficiency
  • Energy/resource efficiency is achieved in the production stage (i.e. not distribution, use or disposal)
  • Project must have good scale-up and commercial replication potential in the UK industrial sector

Sector eligibility

The industrial processes that the IEEA targets are typically found in the following in-scope sectorsi,ii: manufacturing (SIC 10-33), aggregates (SIC 08), water, waste (SIC 36-39) and data centres (SIC 63110).

Technology eligibility

  • Efficient industrial process technologies with Technology Readiness Level currently 5 – 8. Progress to TRL8 or 9 during the project.
  • Novel technology – or commercial technology not currently demonstrated in the UK, or in the planned demonstration sector.iii

Eligible technologies include:
– Energy saving projects; reduced waster use; reduced waste production; re-use of water or waste


– Reduced use of raw materials; use of demonstrably lower carbon materials; material recycling or re-use

– Advanced digital technology, including enhanced sensors & controls and process learning for process optimisation leading to superior energy and resource efficiencies within the demonstration project.

Organisation eligibility

  • Commercial technology developers
  • Industrial companies with a demonstration siteiv in the UK
  • Research Organisations – including universities, research and technology organisations, trade associations, charities etc
  • Other private sector companies – including consultancies, specialist equipment or material suppliers etc

Other requirements

  • Grant funding will typically be between £150k – £1m per projectv, with the remainder to be funded by the applicant(s)
  • All projects must have secured match funding
  • Project participants will be required to sign up to BEIS grant funding terms and conditions
  • Projects will need to comply with subsidy rules (formerly state aid rules)
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