185 Days Left

Innovate UK Fast Start Net Zero Living

Fund Name

Innovate UK Fast Start Net Zero Living Digital

Project Length

3-6 months

Project Value

£25k - £50k



The aim of this competition is to provide a package of targeted support to enable ambitious UK-registered micro and small businesses to develop and deliver net zero solutions through data-driven digital applications.

In addition to the grant support, successful applicants will be offered tailored business support delivered by Innovate UK EDGE.

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Fund details

For the Net Zero Living Digital Fast Start projects, £1.5 million has been allocated for innovative approaches using multiple databases, generating synthetic data to create a product or a service that supports the net zero agenda.

Your proposal must be a software or data lead solution in one or more of the net zero challenges:

  • power
  • heat
  • mobility
  • product manufacture and usage

Your digital product must be for domestic, commercial, industrial, or public authority users. Links to other sectors are also welcome where relevant to the delivery of net zero.

It must make use of a number of open and shared data sets or synthetic data across a range of net zero relevant topics, including but not limited to:

  • energy vectors and assets
  • citizens and communities
  • buildings
  • geography
  • transport
  • carbon emissions
  • industry
  • economy

For the Telecoms Technology Missions Fund projects, £500,000 has been allocated for innovation in the telecommunications domain specifically. Projects funded will develop and deliver solutions using data to drive Net Zero in networks including public and private fixed and wireless.

In your application, you must demonstrate that you:

  • have a great idea
  • need public funding
  • have the capability to deliver the project
  • will deliver the project

Innovate UK is particularly interested in how your proposal will help you:

  • develop both your ambitious idea and your business
  • create a new revenue stream, for example, new products, services or IP
  • evidence and enable your market, funding and commercialisation plans
  • show what is feasible, in helping you decide whether to pursue your idea further
  • catalyse further innovation on your path to commercial success
  • respond to changing market conditions


Your project must:

  • have total project costs and a grant request of between £25,000 and £50,000
  • start by 01 April 2024
  • end by 30 September 2024
  • last between 3 and 6 months in duration
  • carry out its project work in the UK
  • intend to exploit the results from or in the UK

Total project costs will be 100% funded. Applicants will not be awarded funding if they have been previously funded by Innovate UK.

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