38 Days Left

Innovate UK Launchpads

Fund Name

Innovate UK Launchpads

Project Length

3-18 months

Project Value




Each Launchpad supports a geographic cluster and is open to businesses of all sizes (including SMEs and large businesses), providing innovation funding, support, and networking opportunities to help businesses innovate, grow and scale.

Launchpads are tailored to cater to a specific innovation cluster, addressing some of the key challenges facing SMEs in the cluster, which may be access to innovation finance and collaboration.

Check Your Eligibility

The launchpads are focused on the following clusters:

IUK Launchpad – New Innovators in life and health sciences, Northern Ireland

Project costs: £25k – £50k, 100% funded

Project length – 3-6 months

Deadline: 19th June 2024


IUK Launchpad – New Innovators in immersive & creative, Coventry and Warwickshire

Project costs: £25k – £50k, 100% funded

Project length – 3-6 months

Deadline: 19th June 2024


IUK Launchpad – New Innovators in agri-tech and food technology, Eastern England

Project costs: £25k – £50k, 100% funded

Project length – 3-6 months

Deadline: 19th June 2024


IUK Launchpad – New Innovators in digital technology, North East England

Project costs: £25k – £50k, 100% funded

Project length – 3-6 months

Deadline: 19th June 2024


IUK Launchpad – New Innovators in Net Zero Industry, South West Wales

Project costs: £25k – £50k, 100% funded

Project length – 3-6 months

Deadline: 19th June 2024


IUK Launchpad – Agri-tech and food technology, Eastern England – round 2 CR&D

Project costs: £150k – £300k , up to 70% funded

Project length – 6-18 months

Deadline: 19th June 2024


Contact us to find out more about the Launchpads and how to apply.

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