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Net Zero, Resilience and Green Skills Programme

Fund Name

Net Zero, Resilience and Green Skills Programme

Project Value

£200k - £2.9m



Given its location as a coastal region, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The aim of this funding is to protect properties and vulnerable businesses from the effects of coastal erosion and flooding, thereby safeguarding jobs and supporting productivity.

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Fund details

A non-exhaustive list of the type of activity that could be funded under this scheme includes:

  • Habitat restoration and protection that forms part of a flood resilience scheme, such as tree planting, woodland and wetland restoration or new habitat creation
  • Making Cornwall more drought tolerant, habitats more resilient and improving potable water quality.
  • Rainwater harvesting and innovative water management schemes to reduce water demand and the carbon cost of water treatment, whilst benefiting natural ecosystems, and reducing flash flooding
  • Sand dune expansion and management as a natural erosion management tool
  • Development of carbon credit and habitat bank schemes that leverage private sector investment towards nature restoration
  • River restoration and river management schemes
  • The development of green skills to support the growth and sustainability of nature-based resilience infrastructure
  • The IoS suffer from saltwater intrusion into groundwater supplies leading to an increased reliance on desalination plants which are energy-intensive and normally fossil fuel driven. Innovative ways of reducing desalination resilience and providing alternative sources of potable water are encouraged.

As well as delivering against the Good Growth principles, it will be important for applicants to demonstrate how your project aligns with key strategic objectives outlined in the CIoS Environmental Growth Strategy and, for coastal projects, the CIoS Shoreline Management Plan. Consideration of alignment with other county-wide schemes should also be demonstrated, such as the Defra-funded Pathfinder Property Flood Resilience project.

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Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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