783 Days Left

Open Call for Innovation- Cycle 5

Fund Name

Open Call for Innovation- Cycle 5

Project Length

3-10 months

Project Value

£100k - £350k



DASA’s Open Competition- Cycle 5 is looking for innovative ideas to improve the defence and/or security of the UK. Your idea could be a concept, technology or service. The Emerging Innovations category is for less mature innovations whilst the Rapid Impact category is for innovations that are more developed.

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Fund Details

The Open Call Cycle 5 competition category ‘Emerging Innovations’ is currently not available for submission.

Rapid Impact Innovations are viewed as those which will deliver a technology model or prototype demonstration at around Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 or 7. This demonstration should be at a limited scale, in the hands of end-users, and in the context or environment in which it is expected that the solution would be used. Your project should have a realistic prospect of achieving an impact within a 3-year time frame from the start of the project. Proposals will therefore only be funded if there is a strong customer requirement and capability need for the idea. No funding limit is specified, however,  DASA typically expects to fund bids between £100K – £350K. Proposals that demonstrate value for money will be viewed favourably.

Security Rapid Impact Innovations are viewed as those which will undergo a period of research and development in order to deliver a technology model or prototype demonstration at around Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 or 7, at the end of the contract. This demonstration should be at a limited scale and in the context or environment in which it is expected that the solution would be used. Your project can also include a further priced option for a Testing and Trialling phase. This aims to allow you to gather further data from an operational environment and refine the innovation, trialling its suitability to meet end users’ needs. The funder is currently seeking ideas related to one or more of the following government departments;

  • Home Office
  • Department for Transport (in relation to security departments)
  • other Government Security Departments

No funding limit is specified, however, DASA typically expects to fund bids between £100K – £350K. Your project must complete by March 2024.

Whilst DASA is interested in funding all sorts of projects, they also have some innovation focus areas(IFAs) which are enduring challenges faced by their defence and security customers. They are often broad in scope and will always be open for a minimum of two open call cycles.


  • A project plan with clear milestones and deliverables must be provided. Deliverables must be well defined and designed to provide evidence of progress against the project plan and the end-point for this phase; they must include a final report.
  • A resourcing plan must also be provided that identifies, where possible, the nationalities of those proposed research workers that you intend to work on the project.
  • You must identify any ethical/legal/regulatory factors within your proposal and how the associated risks will be managed, including breakpoints in the project if approvals are not received.

Failure to provide any of the above listed will automatically render your proposal non-compliant.

Talk to us today if you would like to apply for this opportunity.

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