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Research, Development & Innovation – Entrepreneurial Culture

Fund Name

Research, Development & Innovation - Entrepreneurial Culture

Project Value

£1m - £7.25m



This funding opportunity is for R,D&I activity focused on nurturing an entrepreneurial culture in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.

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Fund details

Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Good Growth Investment Plan identifies the need to increase levels of research, innovation and development (R,D&I) within businesses in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly to increase productivity levels across the local economy.

Through this funding opportunity, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly want to see proposals for how the CIoS entrepreneurial culture at an ecosystem level can be supported by knowledge institutions, and other organisations active in the R,D&I space. The aim is to embed R&D, creativity and innovation in businesses to improve their productivity.

Examples of activity that this funding could be used for include:

  • The establishment or improvement of local innovation and technology facilities, including R,D&I incubation space and programmes
  • Business outreach programmes aimed at increasing the uptake of and investment into R,D&I by local businesses, including research translation activities, the promotion of R,D&I partnership working and supporting businesses to access R,D&I grants, including national and international sources of R,D&I funding
  • R,D&I activity that will further the development of CIoS’s sectorial clusters as outlined in CIoS’s Local Industrial Strategy (clean energy resources, geo-resources, data and space, visitor economy and agri-food)
  • Activities that foster high growth ecosystems, including R,D&I that will further CIoS ambition to become carbon net-zero by 2030 and our ambition to lead the UK’s green industrial revolution.

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