297 Days Left

SBRI: Development and Delivery of Quantum Computing Testbeds

Fund Name

SBRI: Development and Delivery of Quantum Computing Testbeds

Project Length

Up to 15 months

Project Value

£2m - £7m



This is a Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition funded by Innovate UK for the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC).

You are invited to submit a proposal for a research and development (R&D) contract to develop and deliver a quantum computing testbed (prototype quantum computers) for the NQCC as a lead customer and end user.

This is a single-phase competition for quantum computing testbed technologies already at a sufficiently advanced stage of development. The quantum computing testbed solutions must be developed for the purpose of testing, benchmarking, and exploratory application development.

Check Your Eligibility

Fund details

This competition aims to develop and deliver testbeds that:

  • accelerate the growth of the UK’s supply base, technological and infrastructure capabilities
  • accelerate the growth in user adoption of quantum computing, and the industry and developer ecosystem
  • explore critical bottlenecks and further improve understanding of technology readiness, integration and performance

Your testbed must be located in a suitable facility within the UK, or at the NQCC premises in Harwell, Oxfordshire.

The total cost of your project must reflect the value of the R&D activities and functionality in your proposal. The testbed function and performance results will require appraisal by the NQCC.

You must describe in the project exploitation activities your plans for making the developed testbed available to NQCC. This is for further verification, benchmarking and non-commercial R&D following the project completion date.

All post-project arrangements for access and availability of the testbed would be covered under a separate, non-commercial R&D agreement with NQCC. For testbeds at the NQCC premises, asset transfer or loan arrangement options will be considered to avoid post-project relocation and associated costs.


Projects are expected to:

  • start by 1 January 2024
  • end by 31 March 2025
  • last up to 15 months
  • carry out the majority of the project work in the UK
  • intend to exploit the results from or in the UK

Your total project costs must reflect the level of support and R&D needed. We expect projects with total costs at the higher end of the funding to require significant R&D over the 15-month project period.

To lead a project, you:

  • can be an eligible organisation of any size
  • can work alone or with others from business, research organisations, research and technology organisations or the third sector as subcontractors
  • must work at NQCC facilities in Harwell, Oxfordshire or a suitable UK location


A total of up to £30 million inclusive of VAT is allocated to this competition.

The contract is completed and must end by 31 March 2025. Successful organisations are expected to continue any further R&D with the NQCC for potential future exploitation of your developed solution, by separate agreement.

Your project must have at least 50% of the contract value attributed directly and exclusively to R&D services, including solution exploration and design of components, sub-systems and systems.

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