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SBRI Healthcare Competition 21 Phase 3 Respiratory Diseases and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

Fund Name

SBRI Healthcare Competition 21 Respiratory Diseases and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

Project Length

12 months

Project Value




The SBRI Healthcare Phase 3 funding competition invites innovations at an advanced stage of development to accelerate their uptake into relevant health or social care settings. TThe aim of the call is to facilitate the collection of evidence in real-world settings and build on the value proposition required by commissioners and regulators to make purchasing or other recommendations and decisions.

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Fund Details

The LTP recognises CVD as the single most significant area in which the NHS can save lives, and has an ambition to prevent 150,000 strokes and heart attacks over the next ten years. The prevention priorities are:

  • Early detection and treatment of atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol as the leading preventable causes of CVD.
  • Improve the effectiveness of primary and community care health checks to provide rapid treatment for those with high-risk conditions.
  • Timely preventative treatments for high-risk individuals.
  • Improved access and uptake of cardiac rehabilitation to improve long term recovery and reduce the risk and impact of another cardiac event.

SBRI Healthcare is delighted to invite applications to tender for projects to implement medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, digital health solutions, behavioral interventions, software, artificial intelligence, and new models of care to address challenges in the following themes:

Respiratory diseases

  • Early diagnosis
  • Monitoring and management, accessing the right care at the right time

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

  • Early detection of high-risk individuals
  • Improving prevention strategies
    Patient empowerment and self-management


The call is open to innovations in an advanced stage of development and with the aim to accelerate these innovations into relevant health or social care settings. The aim of the call is to facilitate the collection of evidence in real-world settings and build on the value proposition
required by commissioners and regulators to make purchasing or other recommendations and decisions.

To be eligible for the SBRI Healthcare Phase 3 Funding Competition, proposed technologies must meet the following:

  • UKCA marked or CE-marked with a clear timeline to achieve UKCA mark by 01 January 2023. If regulatory approval is not obtained, evidence should be provided to demonstrate that the technology is close to obtaining approval and/or in use in at least one NHS Hospital Trust.
  • Clinical efficacy and safety demonstrated through an appropriate and relevant clinical evaluation.
  • For digital solutions, evidence that the technology has passed or close to passing the necessary information governance and cyber security requirements where relevant. Evidence that the NHS England and NHS Improvement Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) has been considered should be demonstrated in your proposal.
  • Clear implementation partnerships established with relevant service(s) / partner clinical site(s) and relevant clinical team(s).
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